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Retrieves pending change requests in configured environments

GET <your-unleash-url>/api/admin/projects/:projectId/change-requests/pending


name: Authorizationtype: apiKeyin: headerdescription: API key needed to access this API

This endpoint will retrieve the pending change requests in the configured environments for the project, for the current user performing the request.


Path Parameters

  • projectId string required


  • Array [
  • oneOf
  • id number required

    This change requests's ID.

  • title string

    A title describing the change request's content.

  • environment string required

    The environment in which the changes should be applied.

  • minApprovals number required

    The minimum number of approvals required before this change request can be applied.

  • project string required

    The project this change request belongs to.

  • features object[]required

    The list of features and their changes that relate to this change request.

  • Array [
  • name string required

    The name of the feature

  • conflict string

    A string describing the conflicts related to this change. Only present if there are any concflicts on the feature level.

  • changes object[]required

    List of changes inside change request. This list may be empty when listing all change requests for a project.

  • Array [
  • id number required

    The ID of this change.

  • action string required

    The kind of action that the change contains information about.

  • conflict string

    A description of the conflict caused by this change. Only present if there are any conflicts.

  • payload objectrequired

    The data required to perform this action.

  • string
  • createdBy object

    The user who created this change.

  • username string nullable

    The user's username.

  • imageUrl uri nullable

    The URL where the user's image can be found.

  • createdAt date-time

    When this change was suggested

  • ]
  • defaultChange object

    A description of a default change that will be applied with the change request to prevent invalid states.

    Default changes are changes that are applied in addition to explicit user-specified changes when a change request is applied. Any default changes are applied in the background and are not a real part of the change request.

  • action string required

    The kind of action this is.

  • payload object required

    The necessary data to perform this change.

  • ]
  • segments object[]required

    The list of segments and their changes that relate to this change request.

  • Array [
  • id number required

    The ID of this change.

  • action string required

    The kind of action that the change contains information about.

  • conflict string

    A description of the conflict caused by this change. Only present if there are any conflicts.

  • payload objectrequired

    The data required to perform this action.

  • string
  • createdBy object

    The user who created this change.

  • username string nullable

    The user's username.

  • imageUrl uri nullable

    The URL where the user's image can be found.

  • createdAt date-time

    When this change was suggested

  • name string required

    The current name of the segment

  • ]
  • approvals object[]

    A list of approvals that this change request has received.

  • Array [
  • createdBy objectrequired

    Information about the user who gave this approval.

  • id number

    The ID of the user who gave this approval.

  • username string

    The approving user's username.

  • imageUrl uri

    The URL where the user's image can be found.

  • createdAt date-time required

    When the approval was given.

  • ]
  • rejections object[]

    A list of rejections that this change request has received.

  • Array [
  • createdBy objectrequired

    Information about the user who gave this approval.

  • id number

    The ID of the user who gave this approval.

  • username string

    The approving user's username.

  • imageUrl uri

    The URL where the user's image can be found.

  • createdAt date-time required

    When the approval was given.

  • ]
  • comments object[]

    All comments that have been made on this change request.

  • Array [
  • id number

    The comment's ID. Unique per change request.

  • text string required

    The content of the comment.

  • createdBy objectrequired

    Information about the user who posted the comment

  • username string nullable

    The user's username.

  • imageUrl uri nullable

    The URL where the user's image can be found.

  • createdAt date-time required

    When the comment was made.

  • ]
  • createdBy objectrequired

    The user who created this change request.

  • username string nullable
  • imageUrl uri nullable

    The URL of the user's profile image.

  • createdAt date-time required

    When this change request was created.

  • state string required

    Possible values: [Draft, In review, Approved, Applied, Cancelled, Rejected]

    The current state of the change request.

  • ]


name: Authorizationtype: apiKeyin: headerdescription: API key needed to access this API


Base URL
Security Scheme
projectId — path required
curl / cURL
curl -L -X GET '<your-unleash-url>/api/admin/projects/:projectId/change-requests/pending' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: <API_KEY_VALUE>'